Good Teeth Can Significantly Increase Your Confidence

Whether you’re going on a date, going to a work event, applying for a job, or having photos taken, showing up with confidence can make a world of difference. First impressions really are everything. Part of that confidence is eye contact and a strong smile. It’s how you really connect with people.

People can tell right away if you seem self-conscious about your teeth because it affects the way you carry yourself. You may also avoid smiling or even cover your mouth when laughing. That has got to be a lot of extra anxiety to carry around on your shoulders.

Quite often, when I ask people how their date went, they’ll say “It went ok, but they have bad teeth.”  It can be a turn-off if your date’s teeth are too yellow, crooked, or just overall looking unhealthy. On the other hand, great teeth can really increase your attractiveness.

And I mean, who doesn’t want a Hollywood-looking smile, right?! Nice white teeth that are evenly spaces out and STRAIGHT.

The good news, there are SO many things that can be done to get you on the track to a more confident smile, thanks to dental technology:

Teeth Whitening – Brighten your existing smile.

Invisalign – Clear, invisible “braces” that are non-invasive.

Veneers – Thin, custom-constructed shells of material that cover dental imperfections. Veneers are the ideal solution for covering bad stains that may not respond to teeth whitening, hiding gaps, and covering broken or chipped teeth.  You may also need emergency dental services if you accidentally chipped or broke a tooth – it’s not something you want to wait on…

Dental Implants – Lost teeth? Or maybe you want a better solution to dentures? Dental implants are your answer! They look, function, and feel like REAL teeth!

You’ll never know what your options are until you visit your dentist or oral surgeon. Just call them to book a consultation and then at least you’ll know what you’re dealing with. Inquire about payment plans as well … as some of these services can be a bit costly (BUT, SO WORTH IT!)

xo Trina

P.S. Looking for an Abbotsford dentist?